Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The 10 Pillars of Dog Weight Loss

Helping your dog lose weight is not an unachievable task. It is well within your reach if you just follow the 10 pillars for dog weight loss. Read them, read them again; and then choose to succeed.
Correct portioning of quality food is more effective for weight control than diet or weight management food. Essential foods are removed from diet dog food to reduce the amount of calories. The problem is essential fats are necessary for healthy skin, coat and to sustain energy level.
Establishing an exercise routine for your dog is much more involved than most think. Overweight dogs need to be gradually introduced to exercise if they were previously inactive. Jumping straight into a daily walking regimen can lead to joint pain or injury instead of weight loss. Plan before you embark on your journey.
Cycling duration, frequency, and intensity of your dog's walking regimen will to maximum weight loss and overall health. The benefits of cycling are so great I have written an entire workout system on the topic. Do not overlook the importance of cycling unless you don't want maximum results.
Don't use people foods as dog treats; instead use healthy dog treats like carrots or celery. These treats can still allow you to reward your dog without adding unnecessary calories. Don't think your dog will eat carrots. Give it a try; you'll be surprised.
Introduce more physical activity into your dog's daily routine using dog toys. There are many active dog toys on the market at your disposal. Any kind of fetch toys are great for your dog. Use balls, Frisbees, plush toys, pick your favorite and throw, throw, throw until your dog is worn out. (Those of you with back problems, check out dog toy retrieval pads. My personal favorite is GO Fetch! Available at
Set reasonable goals and be consistent. Slow and steady is the name of the game for long term sustainable results. You dog didn't gain extra weight overnight and shouldn't lose it overnight either. Smaller dogs should aim to lose no more than four ounces a week while larger dogs can aim for one pound per week.
Always consider the surface on which your dog exercises. Always walking dogs on a sidewalk or asphalt will increase the wear and tear on your dog's joints and pads. Walking your dog on grass or sand will not only help their joints, but the new environment will also mentally stimulate their curiosity; making them more tolerant to longer walks.
Exercising your dog in the morning is far superior than midday or at night. By walking your dog in the morning you dog's metabolism will be primed to burn fat all day long, even at rest. It is also recommended to walk your dog before breakfast in a fasted state to increase the amount of fat calories burned per week. (P.S. This also works great for people who would like to lose a few pounds)
Positive reinforcement thru verbal and physical phrase to your dog before, during, and after exercise will make exercise more enjoyable for your dog. You want to associate exercise with reward to motivate them to ensure cooperation. It is very difficult to walk a dog who has no desire to do so no matter how much they love you.
Putting it all together. Nutrition, exercise, motivation, etc. A successful dog weight loss program needs to be organized and well thought out. Many choose to do it on a whim, but I highly recommend you look towards a professional to guide you. It is possible for your dog to meet their weight loss goals in a few months if done correctly. If you have any further questions, go to my forum at www. and ask for free. I look forward to helping you and your dog any way I can.

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